About Us

Our Vision

Our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. We want to contribute to improve our Society and bequeath a better one.

Our Mission

UNESCO has declared that "heritage is something that is, or should be, passed from generation to generation because it is valued"

Our World, our Society needs to take care of ourselves and our next generations by reinforcing relationships. To accomplish this we have the following mission:

  • We want to help reinforce and strengthen emotional relationships through our Platform
  • We want to contribute to improve our user's personal growth
  • We want to help our users to share and transmit Values
  • We want to build lifetime client relationships
  • We want to make memories and Emotional Assets the vehicle to achieve our Vision

Our Team

Keep·em co-founders and core team is made up by three experienced engineers in software development and quality assurance. Let us introduce ourselves to know a little bit more about us:

Martí S.
Martí S.C.

Software Architect specialized in data things and Cloud. Backend and privacy are his main areas here.

Jordi V.
Jordi V.X.

Full-Stack Developer, specialized in Web and Mobile. Our App has no secrets for him.

David O.
David O.

Ideologist and visionary. Knows a little about many things and a lot of nothing. He is accountable of Software Quality Assurance and Testing.

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